What’s new !
TheThingBox 2.7.0
- WiFi Access Point If your TheThingBox have a WiFi Module, if you don’t set a WiFi connection and your TheThingbox have no ethernet wire plug in, an access point will be created. This access point will allow you to set on which WiFi network, with which password, your TheThingBox should be connected. To do this, go to this web page and follow the instructions : setup
Some fix:
- Fix : Mysql show error that are not errors.
- NFC : The Node-RED node NFC is no more installed by default.
- We removed the “Menu > Import > Node” button.
- We now allow installation of any node modules available on npm via the Node-RED palette manager. (Ctrl + Shift + p)
- The Node-RED nodeFactory is no longer based only on the id to solve if the node should be generated.
TheThingBox 2.6.2
- Fix : Reboot makes a shutdown.
- Now context.global.CryptoJS, context.global.wpi and context.global.HID are accessible again when writing functions for compatibility.
TheThingBox 2.6.1
- New: Upgrade Node-RED from 0.17.4 to 0.17.5
- Add of two new Intents nodes : onOpen and onClose (they filter intents)
- Fix the node ttb-node-serialport
- Add a shutdown button
- The Thingbox settings are now display in the user settings panel instead of a new tab.
- Minor bugs fixed
- Node-RED version 0.17.5
- Node.js version: v6.11.1 with npm 3.10.10 (beurk)
- Mosquitto 1.4 (with websockets port 9001)
- Jessie
- ** New experimental docker version!!!**
- You can now access to any node-modules installed in a function node with context.global.require(modules)
- context.global.CryptoJS is no more available, use context.global.require("crypto-js") instead.
- context.global.wpi is no more available, use context.global.require("wiring-pi") instead.
- context.global.HID is no more available, use context.global.require("node-hid") instead.
- Some Express routes are loaded dynamically from /root/thethingbox/node_modules/router instead of /root/thethingbox/thethingbox.js
Known bugs
- Reboot makes a shutdown
- There is two settings menu
TheThingBox 2.6.0
- New: Upgrade Node-RED from 0.16.2 to 0.17.4
- New: Upgrade NodeJS from v4.7.2 to v6.11.1
- New: Upgrade npm from 2.15.11 to 3.10.10
- Update some dependencies.
- Minor bugs fixed.
TheThingBox 2.5.0
- New: Upgrade Node-RED from 0.15.2 to 0.16.2
- New: Upgrade NodeJS from v4.6.1 to v4.7.2
- The key “TheThingBoxKey” is now used by default to cipher node-red’s credentials (set in the file /root/thethingbox/node_modules/node-red/settings.js).
- The new default MySql table is KEY_VAL with columns ID, K and V, this table is just to allow some tests, please create your own table for your use cases.
- Update some dependencies.
- Minor bugs fixed.
TheThingBox 2.4.2
- We removed the emoncms and ubidots node
you still can install them using the dedicated menu and the install form (see here)
The reason is that Ubidots and emoncms now provide their own nodes and its much better to use originals. Our nodes have no longer any reason to be.
Use the folowing keywords to import: node-red-node-emoncms and ubidots-nodered
Be aware you have to delete the original nodes on the workspace and create it again.
- Fixed a memory leak (updated an old serial port dependency)
TheThingBox 2.4.1
- minor bugs fixed
TheThingBox 2.4.0
- New: Upgrade Node-RED from 0.14.6 to 0.15.2
- New: Upgrade NodeJS from v4.4.7 to v4.6.1
- minor bugs fixed
TheThingBox 2.3.5
- HTTPs can be used to access theThingbox (refer to “Use HTTPs”)
- Fix a bug when reordering the tabs, the settings “ Show all workspaces ” didn’t work
TheThingBox 2.3.4
- Faster first boot
TheThingBox 2.3.3
- Fix a bug where the RSA key was badly generated.
TheThingBox 2.3.1
- New: Upgrade Node-RED from 0.14.4 to 0.14.6 (and even a little more recent version from GitHub) to get a big editing form in function node.
- minor bugs fixed
- Node-RED version 0.14.6
- Node.js version: v4.4.7
- Mosquitto 1.4 (with websockets port 9001)
- Jessie
- … more
TheThingBox 2.2.0
- New: MySQL (Node + DBMS)
- New: MongoDb (Node + DBMS)
- minor bugs fixed
MySQL and MongoDb can’t be added by the “update” functionality menu. :-( You have to write a new SDCard.
- Node-RED version 0.14.4
- Node.js version: v4.4.7
- Mosquitto 1.4 (with websockets port 9001)
- Jessie
- … more
- Allow CORS HTTP requests
- Add Websockets to Mosquitto
- To be compliant with third parties tutorials, theThingbox now uses node-red/settings.js (but thethingbox.js overrides some properties)
- See the tech FAQ)
TheThingBox 2.0.1
- Update to the new NodeRED
- Add Node “NotifyUI” that displays a notification on all connected clients
- Fix auto expand bug
- Node-RED version 0.14.4
- Node.js version: v4.4.7
- Mosquitto 1.4 (no websockets in the settings - planned for next version (sorry))
- Jessie
- … more
TheThingBox 2.0.0
- Runs on PiZero, Pi, Pi2 and Pi3
- Backup/restore A local backup of the userdir and the system can be done from the settings: an automatic backup each hour and/or manually with a “create backup” button.
- Factory reset If the boot is interrupted four times, a factory reset is done.
- At boot time, the console.txt is kept in consolePrevious.txt so an error can be recovered after reboot.
- Node-RED version 0.13.4 What’s new in Version 0.12 , What’s new in Version 0.13
- Node.js version: v4.4.5
- Jessie
- Mosquitto 1.4
- … more
TheThingBox 1.8.6
Account: There is now an account with a cloud. This opens the way to amazing new services in the futur, and a way to remotely manage your devices from a web pages.
There is a way to change the language of the pages in the settings. English and French are available. If you don’t choose, the browser language is used.
System Update: in the settings, there is now a button to update the system files to the new releases. It lets your flow unchanged. Now, backup of the userdir will no more be necessary to upgrade the Thingbox!!!
The Esendex node is removed. It can be installed again from the cloud by using the “import/Node” menu and typing “ttb-node-esendex” in the edit field.
Better edit dialog in the info node
Add a patch to fix the export library problem with i18n
- apt-get update
- apt-get install avahi-utils
- ttb-node-avahi-browse: node using avahi to scan the local area network
- Node-RED 0.11.0
- Node.js 0.10.36
- Mosquitto 1.3.5
- Raspbian wheezy
TheThingBox 1.8.5
Fix missing comments in settings
The display node now display msg.message if exists instead of msg.payload. Thus build your message for the human by setting msg.message and for the next node by setting msg.payload.
Add Ubidots node back. Sorry.
Fix file function node.
Better form to rename the Thingbox in the setting page
- Node-RED 0.11.0
- Node.js 0.10.36
- Mosquitto 1.3.5
- Raspbian wheezy
TheThingBox 1.8.4
- Enhance NodeInstall to use a flow.json in the npm package. This flow is dynamically added to the running flow.
Thus, you can now intall package from npm that contains nodes, a flow to add functionalities and flow libs to help the user start. For instance, in the ttb-enocean package on npm, the code is in dedicated nodes but also in a flow.
Node install now uses a module instead of an exec node (thus there is now an npm node). More reliable when apt-get are involved.
Add a progress bar in node install
The server timeout is now much longer to allow long node install from the cloud (ttb-zwave takes 6 mn to download and install).
Any workspace whose name begins with “ttb-” is hidden to the user (except if he checks “show all workspaces”) in the settings.
Remove false bug report in console at launch
- Debug tab renamed “display/debug” because nobody (except some furious programmers) knows what “debug” means.
- The Serial Port Interface (SPI), needed by many extension boards, is now enabled by default
- Update cryptoAPI and cryptoMessage nodes
TheThingBox 1.8.3
- Restore flow when empty file: add code that replaces the flows with the backup if they are empty. This can happen if you hard reboot the Pi within 40 s after a Deploy/activate of the flow.
- add a fix from Node-RED that prevents partial internationalization.
- All the Thingbox nodes have moved to \root\thethingbox\node_modules\node-red\node_modules to allow the internationalization code to work
- RSync code to enable an automatic update (at user demand)
- Add node City
- Add node DateFormat
- Add node Meteo
- Fixed a limit in size in /tmp
- fix nsswitch
TheThingBox 1.8.1
- The ThingBox was moved to port 80 instead of 1880. The most efficient way to reach it from a browser is now “thethingbox.local/”. The final “/” may be omitted, depending of the browser.
- The Thingbox provides additional features to NodeRED. As much as possible, they are built as a flow using NodeRed itself, known as the System flow in a dedicated workspace named “system”. Now, the tab is hidden. It can be back by checking the box “Show all workspaces” in the settings.
- Upgrade to Node-RED 0.11.0
- Added a “Import node” menu. By giving a npm keyword in a dialog, a new node (or more) is automatically installed from npm. If the download contains flow libs, they are added to the libs and appears in the libs menu.
- Added a “Restore the flows” menu that rollbacks the flow to the state before the last deploy (using the backup file that NodeRED makes)
- Added a way to show/hide all Thingbox system flows (hidden tabs) for advanced users
- Added code to automatically set the Date/Time from the network (ntpdate) since it make certificates fail if not accurate.
- The part of the flow that drives the internal processes of the Thingbox has been moved out the userdir folder. We plan to provide a cloud backup of the userdir folder to help upgrading the Thingbox.
- Hue is no more part of the release, due to a hard to fix bug (NodeRED fails if no network at boot - to be investigated). You can get it back using the ’import node" feature (see here).
- Added code to remove swap and log to the SDCard to make it live longer (credit domopi.eu).
Now, the used flow is the dynamic merge of
- The user flow in \root\userdir\flows.json
- The Thingbox flow in \root\thethingbox\node_modules\node-red\flow\system.json that contains the flows that make the settings (and more) work.
Thus there is a new process to backup your flow before updating: See here.
- Fix a WiFi list bug
- Fix the keyboard in GUI mode (was set to AZERTY) that prevents to login from the Pi UI
- Added Splitter node (http://flows.nodered.org/node/node-red-contrib-splitter)
- Some other fix
- There is new torrent download (please, seeeeed!)
TheThingBox 1.7.0
- Upgrade to Node-RED 0.10.10
- New node Google Calendar
New way to access the ThingBox for our Macintosh users: launch your favorite browser on your PC and reach the following browser adress:
TheThingBox 1.6.0
- A node to play music!
- We now use 7zip instead of RAR to zip the file since some unzipper didn’t succeed to unzip.
TheThingBox 1.5.0
- Upgrade to Node-RED 0.10.6
- Add Philips HUE management Manage a Philips Hue bulb
- All user data is now out from Node-RED in a separate dir at the root of the Pi
- Crypto-JS available in all nodes function
TheThingBox 1.4.5
- Fixed a missing “semver” part (Updated serialPort and semver)
- upgrade to Node-RED 0.10.4
- update/upgrade of the Pi Operating System
TheThingBox 1.4.4
- Node-RED 0.10.2 and various upgrades
- New Raspbian release includes the desktop
- The image file auto expands at first boot to use all the SDCard
TheThingBox 1.4.3
- Node-RED 0.9.1
- the pi user is back (psw: raspberry)
TheThingBox 1.4.2
- Compatible with Raspberry Pi B+
- mosquitto up to 1.3.4
- node.js up to 0.10.31
TheThingBox 1.4.1
New settings page in menu :
- Setting form to change the name reachable on the network
- Setting form to connect to WiFi
- Setting form to set a static IP
TheThingBox 1.4.0
- Node-RED 0.8.0 installed
- Update some Nodes :
- Carriots to Xively (cf. TheThingBox 1.3) :
- Add the timestamp to synchronise with actual timestamp.
- A timestamp can be specified in msg.timestamp.
- Owntracks :
- Functionalities updated
- Carriots to Xively (cf. TheThingBox 1.3) :
- Add new Nodes :
- Distance :
- Calculate the distance between two positions : One received in the msg and one specified on the distance node
- Timestamp :
- Add the timestamp in msg.time
- Distance :
TheThingBox 1.3
Some new nodes:
- watch :
- File change notification.
- serial :
- Node to use serial port.
- feedparse :
- Node to resolves relative URLs and properly handles XML namespaces.
- arduino :
- Allows arduino controls from Node-RED.
- redis :
- Redis client for node.js.
- mongodb :
- A node.js driver for mongodb.
- json2xml :
- This node allows to parse Json objects into XML.
- Carriots :
- Allows the user to have a mailbox in which he can store all types of data.
- Emoncms :
- Node which allows to store data and create easily dashboard.
- Esendex :
- Node which allows to send SMS.
- Evrythng :
- Allows the user to create properties for a Thng and give them a value. This properties can be seen thanks to graphs.
- Exosite :
- Allows the user to send and store data sent about a created device.
- HiveMQ input and output :
- Public MQTT server where it’s possible to subscribe or publish.
- Owntracks :
- Node which subscribe to your location topic on a HiveMQ server.
- Thingspeak :
- Allows the user to have 8 graphs. Data of graphs can be import/export in csv files.
- Tinamous :
- Allows the user to have 12 graph for each device. Each graph can be download in jpeg, png, pdf or svg format.
- Ubidots :
- Allows the user to have graphs. They can be export to csv format.
- Xively :
- Allows the user to create some graphs that display data with several display options.
- watch :
- Added module wiring-pi :
Module wiring-pi, g++ and python has been installed.
- Console file :
A new button has been added on Node-RED. In the dropdown menu, you have the button called “console” which corresponds to the file console.txt.
This file is overwritten every time Node-RED is launched. It’s the Node-RED console when this one is launched. With that file, you can see if there was problems, for example : a node doesn’t work because it needs a module.
Small change in the visual interface.
Node-RED v0.7.2
Node.js v0.10.28
TheThingBox 1.2
- Added Wiring pi and two nodes on Node-RED : rpi-gpio
- Added a node to send emails
- Node-RED now installed using Git to facilitate updates
- Added a pi user, login : pi and password : raspberry It's not a root account but you can use sudo commands.
- Installed some commands like gcc, make and sudo.