FAQ for Developers
Where do I find the NodeRED settings ?
on the ThingBox, Node-RED is installed in /root/thethingbox/node_modules/node-red/
You can update the file /root/thethingbox/node_modules/node-red/settings.js
You can also update the javascript object settings_nodered_ext into the file /root/thethingbox/thethingbox.js that expand the settings.js of Node-RED
In the file root\thethingbox\thethingbox.js
The settings are there:
var userDir="/root/userdir/"; var flowDir=userDir; var settings_nodered_ext = { httpAdminRoot:"/", httpNodeRoot: "/", httpNodeCors: { origin: "*", methods: "GET,PUT,POST,DELETE" }, SKIP_BUILD_CHECK:true, userDir: userDir, flowDir: flowDir, flowFile: flowDir + "flows.json", secondFlowDir: "/root/thethingbox/node_modules/node-red/flow/", verbose: true, flowFilePretty: true, otherPropToSave: ['origin', 'extra'], paletteCategories:['basic', 'subflows', 'input', 'output', 'function', 'social', 'storage', 'analysis', 'advanced'], hiddenWorkspaces: ['system'], functionGlobalContext: { settings: settings_ttb ,userDir: userDirc ,settingslib: require('/root/thethingbox/settingsttb.js') ,wpi: require('node-red/node_modules/wiring-pi') // https://www.npmjs.com/package/wiring-pi ,CryptoJS: require('node-red/node_modules/crypto-js') // https://www.npmjs.com/package/cryptojs ,HID: require('node-red/node_modules/node-hid') // https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-hid } };
Note: the code above is the settings use for the version 2.1.0
The Node-RED settings are loaded too (since version 2.1.0) This file is located in root\thethingbox\node_modules\node-red\settings.js (http://nodered.org/docs/configuration.html) But those settings are overwritten by thethingbox :
- uiPort
- flowFile
- flowFilePretty
- userDir
- httpAdminRoot
- httpNodeRoot
- httpNodeCors
- functionGlobalContext
- paletteCategories
How can I find its IP address ?
Do a Avahi scan (see later)
Or for tech guys:
Connect via SSH on your thethingbox. Enter : ifconfig and the ip will be written like that :
eth0 inet addr:
How to do a avahi scan for devices on the local network?
If your device has the network name home1, use the following address in a browser: http://home1.local/avahi/scan
Find your devices in the list:
{ Freebox-Player.local: { address: "", port: "24322" }, Freebox-Server.local: { address: "", port: "445" }, SEC001599D37A46.local: { address: "", port: "80" }, 8b92cbf4-66a6-b585-7d95-42dfe20f3b1f.local: { address: "", port: "8009", txt: { rs: "YouTube", nf: "1", bs: "FA8FCA68D963", st: "1", ca: "4101", fn: "Chromecast TV", ic: "/setup/icon.png", md: "Chromecast", ve: "05", rm: "9FC52B50D8684F1C", cd: "495E077770B2FE6FA3B7928C07402729", id: "8b92cbf466a6b5857d9542dfe20f3b1f" } }, home1.local: { address: "", port: "9" }, Musique.local: { address: "fe80::2062:2f04:b9c1:a26b", port: "2020", txt: { UUID: "a30e8496-5fae-4cb2-a925-b0adc7d5b803", Token: "cacYIvbGk4MCffZk", DyngateID: "673678089" } }, tsabed.local: { address: "", port: "9" }, musicttb.local: { address: "", port: "9" }, MacBook-Pro-de-Alice.local: { address: "", port: "54145", txt: { rpHA: "1a2fe580b87d", rpVr: "120.48", rpHN: "90634785a3b4", rpHI: "959ffa6d8822", rpFl: "0x0", rpBA: "2B:07:64:5F:FF:D0" } }, iPhone-de-Coline.local: { address: "", port: "32498" }
How to launch NodeRED manually from the console?
From SSH:
systemctl stop thethingbox.service cd thethingbox node thethingbox.js
The Thingbox expands the SDCard at first boot
At first boot, a Thingbox expands to the whole SDCard with resize2fs Script is in root\thethingbox\.auto-expand-scripts (deleted at first boot)
how to ‘npm install’ new nodes
Many nodes can be install with the “import / node” UI.
But you can add by yourself, preferably in /root/userdir to avoid erasing them with the updater.
Where are my datas?
Flows and settings are stored outside in /root/userdir Be aware that if you install additional nodes yourself, they may store their data elsewhere.
How Node-RED is integrated
NodeRED is run following the “Embedding into an existing app” as described in the Node-RED documentation here.
Where is the flow stored?
Starting with the version 1.8.0, the used flow is the dynamic merge of
- The user flow in \root\userdir\flows.json
- The Thingbox flows in \root\thethingbox\node_modules\node-red\flow\
- flows in nodes
How does the menu “import / Node” work?
See here.
The log is sent to the console.
The console log is sent to console.txt in the public folder so it can be read by the client browser. There is a menu item in the NodeRED right menu that opens it.
At boot, before starting a new console, a backup is done in a file named “previousConsole.txt”. That allows to get an error when the device freezes.
Access it using Samba from your PC:
How to use the 1880 port?
Edit the PORT var in \root\thethingbox\thethingbox.js
How to add login/password?
Have a look to alexander blog: “Login for Node-Red on TheThingBox” http://www.vdsar.net/login-for-thethingbox/
I want to use HTTPS to access the Thingbox
Refer to “Use HTTPs”.
How can I access the files in the Thingbox?
The easiest way to access the files is to use your own computer: files are published on the network (using a protocol named Samba).
From Windows: Open a file browser and use
Windows 10 asks you for credentials? Follow the following tutorial to fix your network: https://tinkertry.com/how-to-change-windows-10-network-type-from-public-to-private
and you should see the files.
- From Macintosh: In the Finder, choose “all” and you should see the device.
How to create a web server beside TheThingBox
See here.
Access the userdir (non Docker version)
Access the userdir (Docker version)